Archive for the ‘Global Government’ Category

This is a “replacement post” for the original blog I placed here a couple of weeks ago. For some reason the original post seems to have disappeared entirely. I don’t know if I hit too close to home on this post, or maybe offended someone with my opinion – which is ok, because as I’ve said before, I’m not here to play nice, I’m here to speak plainly, present my observations and opinions of the state of things and rattle some cages in the process. Having said that, I am re-posting my original piece. And if the party who removed the original feels like removing anything else….I’m just going to put it right back up. So please read and if you feel as strongly as I do about the topic, please feel free to re-post it as well – “Spector”

“I Want My Country Back”

If you need to ask what I’m talking about then you don’t need to read any further, just close out of this article and go about your business as if there’s nothing wrong and every day is like wine and roses.  On the  other hand, if you look around and you actually see what’s going on and you have a sickly feeling in your gut 24/7 and you don’t know what to do or how to change things back to the way things used to be, and if you feel like others look at you like you have 3 heads when you express any of your true feelings on the state of things…then I hope you decide to stick around to read the rest of this post.
First I would just like to say that the contents of this post are a collection of my personal observations, opinions, and beliefs. This is in no way to be taken as a professional essay or statement of official policy. This is simply the voice of one CRYING in the wilderness for his fellow man to wake up out of our chemically induced waking sleep and to go to work to turn things around before we all end up in a plastic FEMA casket.
Approximately 30 years ago there was an unspoken war silently declared on the America of our Founding Fathers and the Constitution upon which it is based. This war was not declared by a specific foreign country or a specific religious group or political party. The war that was declared was not intended to be an “overnight victory”, this war was meant to be won by silence, intimidation and deceit over many long years. It was intended to be won by slowly and almost un-noticed in a way that we – the American people – wouldn’t even think that we are under attack. The war was to be so insidious that we wouldn’t see the damage being done to us…we would actually be made to think that the almost imperceptible changes taking place are really our own idea and that the wholesale abandonment of our most precious beliefs and traditions are actually our deepest desires erupting forth and crying out to the universe saying that “we hate the blessings and prosperity that the divinely inspired framework established according to the Great Plan of The Almighty Creator has granted to us, and we spit upon the impossible shackles of freedom and liberty purchased by the sweat, blood, and sacrifice of those honorable ancestors who heeded God’s direction and built this nation for our benefit!!!!” This war was engineered to make us our own worst enemy; that through the deliberate and long term drugging of our food, water, and air we would be eased into a state of such mental degradation and stupor that we would completely lose the ability for rational and independent thought. We and our children would not be EDUCTED but rather PROGRAMMED to believe a monotonous diatribe of anti-American, anti-God, anti-Liberty propaganda. In this programming, it was intended to cause those of us who would not be lulled into the singular “herd mentality” would be treated as the attacking enemy, by seeing the rational and clear-minded individuals who question the state of things as “mentally ill” or “paranoid” or as a “conspiracy nut”! The war would have us destroying ourselves from the inside by destroying the only ones who see clearly enough to raise an alarm.
This war was designed to turn the hearts and minds of our children by robbing them of a knowledge of their history and a working knowledge of how our Constitution and our Republic was intended to operate. This war would re-engineer our children’s brains by slowly destroying the authority of parents and the family in favor of authoritarian control of the family and its direction by the Federal Government. Once the family and its traditional beliefs had been destroyed, the children would be de-educated and be convinced that our nation was established by “Terrorists” and “Racists”. They would be indoctrinated to the principles of hate speech and thought crime… to turn against and turn in their families or anyone else to Federal authorities if their parents exercised any independent authority. Our children would have video games marketed to their specific demographic in order that their value system would be undermined by appeasing the children’s natural state of greed and self-servedness, this state would be amplified by video games (marketed as purely entertainment, and how can entertainment be a bad thing…right ?) which would be specifically engineered by the military intelligence community to cause specific light and frequency modulations to occur which would cause an addictive pattern of endocrines to be released by the developing brain of the child playing the game. This would cause the exact same long-term addiction as heroine or other narcotic chemicals. The mind of the child, broken down by the government “education” system, would be rebuilt to become lazy, aggressive, emotionally violent weapons only being kept under control by being diagnosed with ADHD-like conditions and medicated accordingly and in turn, waiting to be “activated” into murderous action when the power grid collapses and these children are thrown into unimaginable withdrawal when their video addictions are cut-off cold turkey.
The children would be re-engineered to become incredibly lazy, hating any form of personal responsibility, having no moral or ethical compass, and completely disconnected from what we have always known as “Reality”.
This war would have our nation stripping itself of its birthright, divesting itself of industry, its ability to feed its people, its ability to maintain its infrastructure, its means to back up its own currency and maintain trade with the rest of the world. Those guiding this war effort would cause such corruption to blossom within our levels of government that it would be able to infiltrate and influence every part of its operation to the extent that it would select certain families over decades, take their children, brainwash the children removing the minds and personalities they may have been born with, and through entitlements, rewards, and other mind control practices it would actually custom design these children into future presidents, senators, congressmen, business and community leaders. Why?? In order that through deception and misdirection those directing the war would have us cutting our own throats through legislation and the voting booth by having us believe that We the People actually control who is placed in offices of authority. By keeping us believing that WE are actually in control of our destiny, the enemy can make us walk into the slaughter while we are in complete denial that we are about to be killed, skinned, and carved up…AND they will have us doing it thinking nothing is wrong or out of place…AND EVERYTHING IS WINE AND ROSES!
Who is the enemy? Who are the ones manipulating, orchestrating and pulling the strings of this hellish, twisted monstrosity?? A considerably small number of very wealthy individuals and families who have come to the belief that through centuries of incestuous breeding practices and the highest levels of financial and social control, they have preserved elite and what some would consider “sacred” blood lines. These wealthy few have managed (through deception, intimidation, and distraction) to maintain control over such vast fortunes that, in spite of their small numbers, they have managed through the corruption of the law and business practices as well as in all levels of government in every single nation on Earth to infiltrate and influence every facet of our conscious experience of life; what we think is real and not real, possible and impossible, what is important, what should be forgotten, the things we control vs. the things which are beyond our grasp, what is reality and what is our imagination, are we truly free or forever nothing more than a slave race unaware of our chains.
The enemy controls Presidents, governments, industry, business, agriculture, artistic expression, communication, media, organized religion, the medical industry, big pharma, the internet, technological development, who succeeds and who is destined to fail, the international banking and financial industries, food production, ecological management and control, the militaries of every nation as well as the control of charitable organizations. How have these affluent groups managed to achieve such total and unbroken control of absolutely EVERYTHING? It is the result getting us to voluntarily abdicate our civic and political responsibility as a free people. To throw off the robes of liberty and freedom in favor of a never-before-seen level of sloth and personal pleasure and our addiction to creature comforts. We used to see ourselves as our brother’s keeper, we used to have a sense of the well-being of others and effect our actions have on the world around us. We have now come to a point where we have become so fixated on the gadgets, smart-phones, pads and computers, apps, texts, Facebook, social media, networking, and our never-ending instant gratification fixation – we have become completely cut-off from everything and everyone in the world around us. This is our greatest weakness…the gaping hole in our armor and the enemy has exploited this weakness at every turn. The enemy knows us better than we know ourselves because they have engineered and steered us to be this way. The only thing that will save us is ourselves – you, your wife, your husband, your son, your daughter, your Father, your Mother, your co-worker, your neighbor….getting the picture? There is no app that will save you. The politicians are NOT your friends and will not lift a finger to save you. No matter how many electronic diversions you accumulate, those toys will not bring you out of the bondage you have been kept in.
Does anyone remember sitting down to dinner with your families or cookouts with friends? Does anyone remember neighborhood block parties where you actually KNEW the people who lived around you and had some idea what they cared about? How about this – playing BOARD GAMES with your children instead of using the TV and the X Box or the PlayStation as a babysitter that trains your child to hone the instincts of a potential killer. Can’t you remember a time when children actually INVENTED games to play OUTSIDE??!! How about spending Sundays hanging out with the family after CHURCH??
Don’t you think it sad that the brief list of activities seems so out of place in the world that we are now existing in? Are you feeling at all nostalgic about the good things you remember from your younger years? If so, then sit down with someone – ANYONE in your life and TALK about this. It’s ok to be emotional. Be sad, be angry, be scared or confused but don’t be afraid to FEEL something about this and don’t just take the easy way out and tell yourself “It’s just the way things are” or “there’s nothing I can do”. Reading this post, you may just be one person. But if you give this post to someone else and then discuss it, you’re no longer alone. Changing the world may seem daunting, but whether you know it or not you have already started just by making the decision to read this post and think about what’s been written. Now all you need to do is begin to re-connect with your family and friends and make a decision as to what’s important to you and your family. Think about the America that you grew up in and how that makes you feel. Remember how things were different then than they are now – was it a better time, a safer feeling? Learn more about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and TEACH your children…as a parent that IS YOUR IGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY. Remember the hopes and dreams you had in years gone by and do everything in your power to recapture them. Remember the summers and Christmases you grew up with, remember your children running through the sprinkler, the hope you had at your graduation, think about the stories your Grandparents told about the world they lived in and the sacrifices they made because they wanted a better world for you.
Those memories and those stories remind me of OUR AMERICA, the America that USED to be, and the America that CAN be again. That was MY AMERICA…and I want my America back!!

Respectfully yours,


For a long time now there has been discussion among conspiracy researchers of a well-hidden plan by the ‘powers that be’ for an ultimate and intentional collapse of the United States of America. I have often found myself wondering exactly HOW an external group would manage to effect this kind of catastrophe without any resistance from the general population.   The possible answer I’m beginning to find is terrifying because of the staggering level of misdirection and deception that has been perpetrated upon not only the American public, but upon the global population as a whole.

I have found evidence that there is indeed another ‘reality’ happening just beyond our grasp. It has been put into existence by the governments of the world with the entire operation being spearheaded by the United States, China, France and Great Britain. These nations dictate to the smaller Third-World countries who do not possess the same military or financial might as the lead nations. Through the direction of organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, The Bilderberg Group, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Federal Reserve, and The United Nations the economies of the world, wars, international policy, global news, business, education, nutrition, health care, as well as every single facet of our day to day perception of reality has been carefully engineered, shaped and controlled in order that our responses to all manner of situation, crisis, threat or hardship could be carefully monitored and over time, cataloged and mapped. The end result being a global population being maintained in what some might call a “zombie-like” state; semi-conscious enough to go through the motions of everyday life but not being fully awake or aware of what was really being done to us.

At this time I’m going to reserve my analysis of the global implications of this insidious takeover for a future post, and instead concentrate on the effect on The United States. The reason for this is simple, if you just take a close look at recent events taking place here in America it is obvious that there is something very dangerous going on, and someone – or some organization more powerful and influential than the United States government has decided to speed up the time table for our ultimate destruction.

Although this plan has been in place for quite a long time now, it is only in the last 20 years that the throttle has truly been pushed to the floor. During the very first George H. W. Bush administration the United States – while still recovering from the throws of the Iran-Contra arms for hostages scandal, had our collective noses were rubbed in The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which was designed to completely break down the borders between Canada, The United States and Mexico. Of course to the general public the idea was pushed that it would only lower trade restrictions between the nations in order to make all three nations richer…this could not have been any further from the truth. But of course we swallowed the ‘richer nations’ propaganda hook, line, and sinker because that is what we had been brainwashed to do. It was during the first Bush administration that we began to be taught to march in Jack-Boot style to the new universal mantra – “The New World Order”.

During the following decade the American view of the honorable office of the President of The United States was demolished and dragged through the mud before our very eyes. We were forced to witness President Bill Clinton wallow in the mud and filth of his own, lifelong perversions and personal demons. We were subliminally taught that there was no more honor or virtue left in the office of the President, and that the idea of personal and/or national shame over the morally bankrupt actions of those in offices of leadership was now an antiquated idea. A continued assault on traditional core family values would continue over the ensuing 20 years, further weakening the United States. The following quotation and admonishment from President George Washington sums it up best “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

This brings me to the main focus of this post, the downward slide, the immoral and unethical behavior of our highest elected officials wherein they have wholeheartedly sold their souls to the dark side – the international banking cartels and the Illuminati.  In exchange for keeping themselves and their families in a privileged lifestyle of lavish luxury as well as to keep themselves permanently secured in offices of power and influence, these politicians have made a compact with the dark side in which they agree to surrender the sovereignty and security of this nation and its people. The dark force of this world has allowed certain families to prevail in the highest levels of wealth and authority during the time it took for the evil to grow from larva to unstoppable monster, and now the monster is quickly moving to devour its prey…US.

I have spent some time studying two different Federal documents that had their origins decades apart yet seem to manage to work together and complement each other – almost as if, in spite of the decades which separate their individual origins, they were designed following a very specific template,  a plan that was designed a very long time ago with the intent of allowing a certain amount of time for this nation to develop a certain level of industry, technology and wealth…and once that predestined milestone would be reached, then the powers that had hidden themselves in secrecy and deception would emerge and plunder what the unaware masses had produced for so very long.

The first document I refer to is actually a plan introduced and co-authored by Marine Lt Colonel Oliver North (U.S. Marines, retired) during the Ronald Reagan administration.  It’s called “Readiness Exercise 1984” or more commonly referred to as “Rex84”.  This plan is a guide for the Federal government to introduce martial law in the United States in the event of an ‘unexpected’ invasion through our southern border with Mexico (or at least this was the premise given when this plan was first presented before Congress).  I find it more than ironic that decades later our Southern border with Mexico has been systematically dismantled, the United States border patrol has been given a ‘Stand-down’ order from the Obama administration and also given PAID LEAVE to not do their jobs. From various news agencies I have read reports from, IF an illegal is arrested attempting to cross into the United States, Border Patrol Agents are faced with an overwhelming amount of beaurocratic red tape in just processing the illegal let alone actually being allowed to keep the person in question incarcerated for more than a couple of hours!  More often than not these illegals are immediately released back into Mexico, OR if the illegal is under the age of 18 is then taken into the agencies of Child Welfare & Protective Services and become beneficiaries of our welfare system.  Along with this overly lax security there is the matter of identifying exactly WHO is coming across our borders and WHERE their country of origin is.  You see, in spite of the Obozo propaganda machine cranking out the mantra “we must help the children!” it’s absolutely NOT about ‘the children’.  There are members of Central American drug cartels and members of the various Islamic terror groups such as Al-Qaida and ISIS coming through the Central American corridor from several areas of the Middle-East.  These people may be smuggling in disassembled weaponry that is just waiting to be reassembled at Islamic safe houses on this side of the border. This weaponry, in large part, consists of the probable unseized remains of the weapons taken by terrorists from our “Embassy” in Benghazi Libya, and a mass stockpile transported in the Obama/ Eric Holder disaster “Fast & Furious” gun running operation.   There is also the question of what diseases or chemical / biological weapons these illegals are bringing with them.  Reports of Plague-like symptoms and Tuberculosis are happening across the Southwest since Obozo’s open border policy began.  Now there are the E-Bola patients being brought to the East Coast.  With a mortality rate in the high 80% range and no cure developed – only experimental vaccines, we have the makings for a multi-phase epidemic to take place on a massive scale.  Taking just this small amount of information into account it’s not difficult to see that we have many of the conditions outlining the implementation of Rex 84 in place right now, meaning martial law is not far off.

This brings me to the second document – Presidential Executive Order # 13603.  In the long and infamous line of Obama Executive Orders, this is one of the most dangerous.  This Executive Order, in the briefest description, gives the President the independent authority to declare martial law whenever he feels it to be necessary and to do it without the approval of Congress or the Senate.  Executive Order 13603 provides for the Federalization of local and state police forces, the mobilization of the Army, Navy, and Marines within the United States, Arrest without due process, the suspension of the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights as well as banning the election process, as well as allowing summary executions to take place.  Order 13603 also allows the government to seize personal property, take control of industry, technology, agriculture, all water sources as well as using and conscripting the civilian population into the armed forces or even as basic slave labor for whatever purpose is required by the government.  All of this being done without the fore knowledge or permission of the American people. 

If research these two documents you will soon realize that they even though they were authored decades apart, they were part of an even older plan for domination of the planet set forth hundreds (and perhaps even THOUSANDS) of years ago. 

Used in tandem, Rex 84 and Presidential Executive Order 13603 create the perfect storm for implementation of martial law and the destruction of your life, the lives of our children and the destruction of all hope for a free future.  So I would ask you to take a moment to consider all of the conditions that exist right now that could facilitate Obozo to declare martial law; the potential for a massive E-Bola outbreak in the United States and the increasing potential for a mass biological threat coming from the Southern border as well…the increasing federal tolerance for Sharia Law and Islam over the traditional values and faith based decision making that this nation was founded upon, the introduction of the United Nations brain washing program – Agenda 21 into our school system, the general vilification of God and any references to Jesus Christ in public discourse, the elimination of United States and World History courses from our schools…and these are just the tip of the iceberg that is sinking our nation into the icy waters of oblivion.  These symptoms alone could destroy a weaker nation, and so far the only protection we’ve had against our death throws has been the legacy left to us by our forefathers.  However, with the plethora of other illnesses infecting the body of our nation and in consideration of the gnawed-upon remains the previously mentioned legacy of our founders, at the time this post is being written I fear with all of my being that this once-great nation may very well be breathing its last.

In closing, the ironic thing that I’ve discovered that while online references to Presidential Executive Order #13603 are available at in long form, the only relevant articles or references to the Rex 84 program can be found in independent articles such as the following – – said program having been referenced for years by alternative media.  While there are many sources available online for research purposes try to careful with Wikipedia articles as there is no way to verify the authors sources.





Rapid Fire Resistance Radio Image 2


Good evening old friends, it’s been entirely too long since we’ve had the chance to talk.  I would like to sincerely apologize for my absence in these dire times.  I have been working with fellow patriots and brothers and sisters in arms – The Resistance United.  You have probably noticed many reblogs from that Word Press site.  In recent days I have been going through many personal struggles to keep some balance in my life.  I won’t go into any great detail on that right now suffice to say that fighting for what you believe in can take it’s toll on family and friends around you and you must be careful not to alienate them during the good fight.

What you are probably wondering is this;  “Is he going to be posting more news stories, or is he going to be speaking his mind?…I wonder if he’s going to play it safe?  Is he going to be controversial or is he going be politically correct?”

My friends,  what I will tell you is this…In light of of the descent our government has chosen to take from the light of freedom and liberty into the dark, stinking sewers of the totalitarian dictatorship that we now see emerging on every shore and within almost every sovereign state, I have returned to the Freedom Post because I’m PISSED OFF!   I am angry that the government that I given my loyalty to, that I have believed in, that my forefathers – members of my own family – have fought, sacrificed and bled for has willingly cast off the white robes of righteousness and humble service to the one true God of Israel who chose to shine his countenance upon our Founders and bless a path to take which would lead to unimaginable prosperity and peace, and in their place has chosen to cover itself in the rags, filth, and  feces of  self centered vanity, greed, lust, perversion, debauchery, idolatry, the murder of the unborn and all things sacred, the bane lust of self and ones own personal pleasure above the blessed fruit of future generations….the stinking ROT of the worship of our most base and vile urges.

I’m PISSED OFF because that no matter how horribly our sacred and God-given rights are blatantly trampled upon by this vile impersonation of  the true republic, a majority of our society are so self-deluded and blinded to what is really going on around us that they are nothing more than ass-kissing enablers for those who would engineer the daily and tragic slaughter of our great Republic.  Through their self denial and their devotion to all that is “trendy” and “politically correct” these SHEEPLE are only making the problem worse.

So, my friends…my battle plan is simple.  I am going to address the problems head-on,  no safety net, no kid gloves, no political correctness, and with an inferno of anger and honesty I am going to call out the wrong doers, expose those who support this Satanic, anti-christ, anti-liberty agenda without mincing words and without holding back.  In the process I expect to offend many, and have decided that if you feel offended at my words…it’s only because you needed it…and you’re probably on the wrong side anyway!

So tell your friends, reblog anything I post, spread the word that as long as big government allows the internet to remain up, yours truly – Spector – will be right here at The Freedom Post manning the watch towers and keeping the fires burning.  I hope you’ll join me in the fight because the good fight can be a lonely battle…but it’s one I REFUSE to give up on.