Posts Tagged ‘Globalist’

Rapid Fire Resistance Radio Image 2


Good evening old friends, it’s been entirely too long since we’ve had the chance to talk.  I would like to sincerely apologize for my absence in these dire times.  I have been working with fellow patriots and brothers and sisters in arms – The Resistance United.  You have probably noticed many reblogs from that Word Press site.  In recent days I have been going through many personal struggles to keep some balance in my life.  I won’t go into any great detail on that right now suffice to say that fighting for what you believe in can take it’s toll on family and friends around you and you must be careful not to alienate them during the good fight.

What you are probably wondering is this;  “Is he going to be posting more news stories, or is he going to be speaking his mind?…I wonder if he’s going to play it safe?  Is he going to be controversial or is he going be politically correct?”

My friends,  what I will tell you is this…In light of of the descent our government has chosen to take from the light of freedom and liberty into the dark, stinking sewers of the totalitarian dictatorship that we now see emerging on every shore and within almost every sovereign state, I have returned to the Freedom Post because I’m PISSED OFF!   I am angry that the government that I given my loyalty to, that I have believed in, that my forefathers – members of my own family – have fought, sacrificed and bled for has willingly cast off the white robes of righteousness and humble service to the one true God of Israel who chose to shine his countenance upon our Founders and bless a path to take which would lead to unimaginable prosperity and peace, and in their place has chosen to cover itself in the rags, filth, and  feces of  self centered vanity, greed, lust, perversion, debauchery, idolatry, the murder of the unborn and all things sacred, the bane lust of self and ones own personal pleasure above the blessed fruit of future generations….the stinking ROT of the worship of our most base and vile urges.

I’m PISSED OFF because that no matter how horribly our sacred and God-given rights are blatantly trampled upon by this vile impersonation of  the true republic, a majority of our society are so self-deluded and blinded to what is really going on around us that they are nothing more than ass-kissing enablers for those who would engineer the daily and tragic slaughter of our great Republic.  Through their self denial and their devotion to all that is “trendy” and “politically correct” these SHEEPLE are only making the problem worse.

So, my friends…my battle plan is simple.  I am going to address the problems head-on,  no safety net, no kid gloves, no political correctness, and with an inferno of anger and honesty I am going to call out the wrong doers, expose those who support this Satanic, anti-christ, anti-liberty agenda without mincing words and without holding back.  In the process I expect to offend many, and have decided that if you feel offended at my words…it’s only because you needed it…and you’re probably on the wrong side anyway!

So tell your friends, reblog anything I post, spread the word that as long as big government allows the internet to remain up, yours truly – Spector – will be right here at The Freedom Post manning the watch towers and keeping the fires burning.  I hope you’ll join me in the fight because the good fight can be a lonely battle…but it’s one I REFUSE to give up on.

What Happens When Benevolent Totalitarianism Ceases To Be Benevolent?

As I explained last month, benevolent totalitarianism is the concept of government control by and through deception. For more than 100 years, America has operated as a benevolent totalitarianism. But what happens when totalitarianism ceases to be benevolent?

If benevolent totalitarianism is subtle, outright totalitarianism is open warfare on the people. That is what is beginning in America. We now find ourselves in the opening phase of outright attacks on the people as government exerts greater control in order to suppress dissent over the natural transition from benevolent to non-benevolent totalitarianism.

That America is a fascist Nation is no longer deniable. Fascism, as described by Benito Mussolini, is the merger of state and corporate power. All significant legislation passed in recent years has been designed to either increase the power of the state to control the people, to increase the power and wealth of corporations or to strengthen their symbiotic relationship. As legislation that accomplishes these things is detrimental to the best interests of the people, it can be described only as salvos being fired against the people and in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

America was designed as a representative republic, with Representatives elected by the people to represent their interests when laws are passed. Senators were to be selected by the States to represent the interests of their States. Neither the Congress nor the President is answerable to the people or the States today. They answer only to their corporate sugar daddies and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that operate behind the scenes. These NGOs, dominated by monied interests, include, but are not limited to, the Federal Reserve, The Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and various and sundry “think tanks” propped up by the same corporate sugar daddies lining the pockets of Congress.

The names of the people running and funding these NGOs are mostly familiar and pop up from time to time in various ways in government and out: appearing in Presidential cabinets, heading alphabet soup government agencies, sitting on the boards of corporations, running the World Bank, etc. Theirs are the corporations that receive the contracts for government business as it makes war on other countries, move in to rape and pillage the natural resources of Third World countries (see The Secret History of American Empire and Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, both by John Perkins) or fulfill the mandates of legislation (insurance, Big Pharma, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, etc.).

In 2008, against the wishes of the majority of America, George W. Bush pushed through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a $700 billion boondoggle of largess to bail out the banksters and their criminal co-conspirators on Wall Street. To sell it, Bush employed classic Orwellian doublethink saying, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”

Read more at Personal Liberty Digest